As a humble child of God, you are an extension of his hand,
You’re a song from his heart to harmonize with, and boldly vocalize the melody of the band.
You are a comfort to those who mourn,
Whose lives have been severely torn.
You bring a taste of the savior, to those who hunger and thirst after God,
An encouragement to those who seek him if nothing but a smile and a nod.
You’re the salt of the earth, to those who seem to have lost Gods favor,
As they open up their heart, you’ll bring into their lives a little more of a welcome flavor.
You are a gift of freedom to those in chains,
Who through God’s love in you their hatred drains.
When you bring God’s peace to a rival heart,
As a child of the King you’ve made a royal start.
To some you may be the only picture, of the smile upon God’s face,
As a true reflection of him you’ll be a truly beautiful picture, of God’s amazing grace.
So let his light shine from the heights to a world gone dark,
You’re on the path to the mountain of God not just a walk in the park.
Don't let your spiritual brokenness rest on the mantel for all to see and behold,
rather believe on the one who gave you the breath of life, submit to him in the Spirit of righteousness,
for He alone has the power to make all things new and to endow you from within with the Spirit of Truth He alone is the Way to the kingdom of heaven. Believe in Him and watch as new life from within you begins to unfold.
By Jim Wilday - Inspired by Matthew 5
We should always remember that we who are in Christ were bought at high price from the ruler of darkness whom by our sin we sold out to. We are representatives of Christ, our redeemer to a dying world. While we are on the job he is also teaching and training us for the job he has prepared for us to do. Therefore we should not complain too harshly or worry so much when we go through all kinds of trials and troubles, but know that it is all part of our training so that we can be a blessing or witness to others who find themselves in the same predicament. Though it may not seem like it at the time He makes everything work together for good to them who are the called according to his purpose, those who love him. That doesn't mean bad things don't happen, and it certainly doesn't mean He is the author of evil, but He the master of all that is good and beautiful can and will eventually work the destruction from the evil one into a glorious work of art. He who sees all things and knows the final outcome will do this and I want to be a part of it.
Do you not say, 'Four months more and then the harvest'? I tell you, open your eyes and look at the fields! They are ripe for harvest! John 4:35